Important Deadlines
Last day to register to vote – Wednesday, March 27 at 5 PM
Last day to apply to vote by mail – Monday, April 1 at 5 PM
Candidates Night Event
The League of Women Voters of Arlington and Envision Arlington are co-sponsoring Arlington Candidates’ Night on Wednesday, March 27 at 8 PM in the Town Hall Auditorium. The event will also be broadcast live on ACMi and shown on cable several times before the election. There will be question-and-answer sessions with the candidates for town-wide offices: Select Board, School Committee, and Board of Assessors. There will also be informal sessions with candidates for Town Meeting before the event, from 7:30 to 8 PM.
We need volunteers to help with the event. Please contact Angela Olszewski (, 781-648-8649) to sign up.
Town Election Information
For information on elections and voting (upcoming election dates, voter registration, early voting, vote by mail, tracking your ballot, offices and candidate lists, where to vote, and becoming an election worker), please see the Elections & Voting page of the Arlington Town website.
Early Voting Schedule
Early voting hours will be offered in the Town Clerk’s Office on the second floor of Town Hall Saturday, March 30 through Wednesday, April 3. Get more details here.